A recent survey suggests that going back to school isn’t just stressful for kids, as parents deal with the various costs associated with a new school year.
The survey, conducted by Leger and commissioned by Coast Capital Savings, polled 600 B.C. residents with children going into kindergarten through Grade 12 this fall, and found 50 per cent of them are stressed about back to school costs. Conducted online between July 18 and 24, the survey also revealed that 44 per cent of parents worry that they won’t be able to afford to buy everything their child needs.
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Furthermore, the survey broke down exactly what parents expect will impact their finances the most depending on the age of their children. The cost of clothing was noted as the biggest anticipated cost for parents with children in daycare and kindergarten through Grade 6. Supplies, text books and school fees were noted as the most expensive requirements for parents with children in Grade 7 through 12 and in post-secondary education.
We want to know if you’re feeling stressed out about the cost of sending your child back to school. Take our poll and weigh in!
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