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Two homes lost in Cherryville fire

Two homes lost in Cherryville fire

Everyone escaped the blaze, but lost everything
B.C. links earthquakes in the northeast to fracking, oversight tightened

B.C. links earthquakes in the northeast to fracking, oversight tightened

Orders require operators to immediately halt operations if they trigger a sizable seismic event
Operators sought for iconic Penticton Peach concession

Operators sought for iconic Penticton Peach concession

License to use agreement also expiring for Skaha East concession
Donuts earn a Salmon Arm driver a night in RCMP cells, licence suspension

Donuts earn a Salmon Arm driver a night in RCMP cells, licence suspension

19-year-old man also given ticket for driving without care
Labour Relations finds Starbucks made threats against pro-union B.C. employee

Labour Relations finds Starbucks made threats against pro-union B.C. employee

Board rules coffee giant had legitimate reason to close outlet less than a year after it unionized
Fire blamed in the mystery of B.C. sailors found dead off Nova Scotia

Fire blamed in the mystery of B.C. sailors found dead off Nova Scotia

Salt Spring Island's James Brett Clibbery and Sarah Packwood were found in a dinghy washed ashore on Sable Island
PHOTOS: BNA rolls out opening of Vernon's second brew pub

PHOTOS: BNA rolls out opening of Vernon's second brew pub

Thirst for another brew pub in town satiated with not just beer, but bowling, arcade and more
Oscar nomination gives B.C. residential school story a global platform

Oscar nomination gives B.C. residential school story a global platform

Sugarcane documentary about Williams Lake residential school sparking attention in important places
3 arrested: Penticton RCMP on Lakeshore Drive

3 arrested: Penticton RCMP on Lakeshore Drive

Lakeshore Drive closed on Feb. 14
B.C.’s hourly minimum wage to jump by by 45 cents starting June 1

B.C.’s hourly minimum wage to jump by by 45 cents starting June 1

Coming 2.6 per cent increase follows changes made last spring to the Employment Standards Act