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The end or not the end?

December 21, 2012, a date that is being discussed by many and ‘planned for’ by many others.

December 21, 2012, a date that is being discussed by many and ‘planned for’ by many others.

The date is regarded as the end date of a 5125-year-long cycle in the Mesoamerican Long Count calendar. Some believe it is the date of the end of the world.

It is thought that a rogue planet called Nibiru will smash into the earth, some people say that a super black hole will suck in our planet and smash it to pieces and then there are those who believe our world will be destroyed by flood. In fact, there are at least two individuals who are building or have built a new age ark.

To begin with, I don’t believe that any anthropologists have ever proven that the Mayan calender  really actually ended Dec. 21, or whether that end date has passed or still is yet to come.

I wonder about how people today are convinced truly to  put their faith in a past people’s ability to forecast the time allowance for a planets survival.

Don’t get me wrong, I am not by any means trying to knock anyone’s beliefs. What bothers me the most about things like this is that some people truly do believe...

I think that is horribly unfair to convince people to live their lives in fear every day. Especially so to convince them with ideals that can not or have not ever actually been proven to be true.

When they were younger, I had a conversation with my children about this subject. It concerned me, I did not want them to live their lives in fear, of the unknown or of things that we could not possibly control. I thought for a while and then answered them with the only thing that made sense to me. “If the world ends with one of these uncontrollable disasters, quite simply—there will be nothing left.” So, is that something you should really worry about?

I wonder if we the people of this world spent more time worrying about things that are actually within our control—like the damage we cause to our planet and ourselves... maybe the mindset would change and people would not be so fearful.