Dear Editor:
I’m writing this letter to point out another injustice in the long list of Provincial Liberal wealth transfers from ordinary working people to those who do not really need more money. A few years ago, under a people friendly government, ICBC advertised a service to repair our stone-chipped windshields. The objective was to save money by cutting back on windshield replacements. I used that service to my advantage and it was free for everyone.
Fast-forward to the present. At first frost this fall I hurried to the local glass shop for a spot repair. Upon completion I was told that I now had to pay. I was also advised that if my windshield needed replacement, it would cost me an extra hundred in deductible.
Since then I’ve been hearing an ex radio-TV hostess shilling for ICBC; her advice is (apart from the new red shoes she wants), ‘when encountering automobile trouble out of the country’ simply phone ICBC for relief.
There’s a moral to this story: The money saved by a Liberal run enterprise is taking my (who cannot afford foreign vacations), insurance money to subsibize those who can. If you wanna know how to scam ordinary folks without blushing, just ask any of the six Liberal leadership candidates.
HP Toews
Princeton, B.C.