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Letter to every political wannabe

Writer wants Politicians to "fix" this country to the level it was in 1867

Dear Editor,

As more and more of the present day politicians are concerned of the way we are “Governed” the less and less, they are willing to find a solution.

In around the 1850s there were some forward thinking men and women with a dream and they went to work on building a country. The country finally became a new nation called Canada. And with hard work Canada even got its own constitution, mainly by work of Jean Elliot Trudeau, but somewhere along the way prior to Pierre Elliot some of the politicians decided it would be OK to create “Income Tax” to pay for the war effort they found themselves fighting.

From that day on those taxes became a steady diet for the Canadian working man. Oh I forgot to mention Pierre Elliot’s, now famous way of giving his finger to Canadians and also showing his arrogance to the Canadian public.

It was Brian Mulroney who gave us the “North American Free Trade Agreement” and the “Global Economy” that has put taxes on taxes on our working man and  many  corporations not paying any taxes at all.

So, now if I may suggest for the next slate of Politicians, fix this country to the 1867 level that your pre-governments so callously wrecked for their hard working people and it can be achieved by equal taxes for all the people and all the corporations and their shareholders and leaders.

While the above is not a new idea all it needs is willing and brave politicians working towards a common goal.

Personally, I am living in my twilight years, I will never see our politicians reach anything resembling near a common goal, the beggaring and manoeuvres we hear from “Question Period” from our politicians on “Parliament Hill in Ottawa” make sure of that.

Mr. Politician, it remains a sad fact that it was our previous and even the present Government who have put every man, woman and child into debt by “Thousands of Dollars” by your mismanagement of our “Tax dollars”.

Mr. politician it is very “Arrogant” for you to come and tell Canadians that they are living beyond their “Means” when we have had you as a teacher for Canada’s everyday hard lessons.

Last but not least, at least show me where I am wrong Mr. Politician. It is also useless to blame the other “Parties,” since they were as bad as you when they had  the reigns in previous governments. The situation we have today rest equally on your shoulders, Mr. Politician, of all ilk and persuasion.

Yukon Eric Holopainen, Princeton, BC