Rob Rubis was born and raised in Princeton, leaving after graduation to attend college. Rubis is a teacher and librarian who spent 26 years in Bangkok and 10 years teaching in an international school.
Rubis and his wife returned to his hometown of Princeton to be with family and because it is where they want to raise their children.
Rubis said he is a committed environmentalist, “I believe global warming is real and that we do need to reduce our carbon footprint,” he said. At the same time, Rubis said he is pragmatic, “Princeton needs to move forward economically.”
The stimulation of new growth, resource extraction and renewables, finding additional ways to promote the wealth of tourism resources, convincing the aging population to stay (health services being key) being proactive with the whole global economy and the development of disaster preparation planning would be key points for the future of Princeton.
“I would be very much interested in working on the development of disaster planning—we need to be as prepared as we should be,” he added.
Rubis believes that he has a global perspective and through his experiences has come to understand that, “Canada is the land of opportunity.”
Rubis believes in democracy—seeing that only one person had come forward to put their name in for councillor, drew him forward to put in his own. “He (Doug Pateman) probably is a good candidate, but people should be able to make a choice,” he said.
Rubis feels that most of all, he can offer a fresh perspective to council. Being part of a team working together, “I’m there,” he said.
Rubis believes that small communities are the future. Small communities pull together and work together. “Coming from a megalopolis of 12 million, I know that it is as good as it gets—right here,” he said. To learn more about Rob Rubis visit