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People still driving while using handheld devices

15 charges were laid against offenders of the law banning the use of handheld devices.

Valentine's Day Project "Get home safe to your loved ones".

South Okanagan IRSU & Traffic Services Keremeos, conducted enforcement for various infractions on Valentine's Day in Penticton. The primary focus for the enforcement was Electronic Device usage while driving. The reason for this enforcement is two-fold. 1) that it is one year since it became law, and 2) people involved in collisions including fatal crashes.

Electronic Devices - 15 Charges

Speed - 3 Charges

Seat-belts - 40 Charges

Vehicle Defects - 3 Charges

Intersections - 4 Charges

Commercial Vehicle Charges - 1

Driver's Licence Charges - 1

Insurance Charges - 1

Other Moving Charges - 1

Warnings for various offences - 20

Criminal Code Charges for Obstruction of Police - 1

Warrant executed - 1

Drug Seizures - 2

The SEA (Society of Automotive Engineers) conducted scientific studies that showed when a person is distracted by an electronic device has the same capabilities while operating a motor vehicle as a person who is impaired by alcohol. For the safety of yourself and other motorists please don't Text, Talk on a cell, or Handle you electronic device while operating a motor vehicle.


South Okanagan Traffic Services Keremeos.