It is official! The RDOS Board has passed a resolution to place the Granite Creek ghost town on the Heritage Register for Area H. Special thanks to Lindsay Bourque of RDOS for her hard work. Lindsay provided us with information on how to prepare a Statement of Significance which was needed for the Board presentation and she patiently advised us on amending and editing the Statement. Lindsay then added this subject to the RDOS meeting agenda to be voted upon. We are so very grateful to her. Without her help this could not have happened.
What does this mean? Placing a site on the Heritage Register does not protect the site. It formally recognizes Granite Creek as an historic place. Having Granite on the Historic Register will “enhance the public’s appreciation of the identity and character” of the town.
So now what happens? Lindsay explained she must provide notice to the province within 30 days. After that we are hoping applications can be made for funding for interpretive signs to be placed in the town. High on our wish list is to get RDOS to turn the Granite Creek ghost town into a park, however, that will be a massive undertaking which could take years to complete.
For right now we can all rejoice in the fact that our 1885 ghost town called Granite Creek has officially been recognized as an historic place.
Diane and Bob Sterne, Coalmont