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Ambassadors sworn in

The August 15 meeting of Council began with the official swearing in of the 2011/2012 Youth Ambassadors.
L to R: Friendship Ambassador

The August 15 meeting of Council began with the official swearing in of the 2011/2012 Youth Ambassadors.

Mayor Randy McLean congratulated Ambassador Roya Massoudi, Vice Ambassador Taylor Robillard and Friendship Ambassador Felicia Northway stating, “I know you will represent Princeton very well. Good luck, we wish you all the best.”

President of the Arts Council, Del Hall and treasurer, Marjorie Holland presented Mayor and Council with an update on their budget and the success of the gallery. Hall explained that the Arts Council have  had a better budget than in the past due to achieving success with grant applications with thanks to the expertise of Vicky Jones.

Hall then went on to  announce a project of interest to all non-profit  organizations within the community. A Sustainability Workshop will be held on September 17, at the Riverside Centre. The workshop is free and will inform organizations of how to set up their bylaws, policies and procedures, so that they may become sustainable.

Mayor McLean stated that he was pleased with the positive progress of the Arts Council. “We’re very proud of you,” he said to Hall and Holland.

A number of requests from residents came into council this month.

Mel Berg, on behalf of the Country and Blues Association of Princeton requests to have the liability insurance waived for the use of the Gazebo in Veterans Square. The musicians would like to be able to perform without having “to pay to play.” Council will look into a blanket policy for activities being held in the square.

MWP Cascade Post and Rail Ltd., have ceased operations and are cleaning up the site. They are requesting a one time burning permit in order to burn the waste on site, not only to save on costs but to save from filling space in the local landfill.

Council will investigate further, by contacting the Ministry of Environment, confirming costs and proceed subject to Ministry  approval and that of the Fire Chief.

A letter was  received  from the Senior Citizens Branch #30 requesting support for proposed renovations and another requesting a lease renewal for a 25 year period.

The branch is applying for a grant for the repairs and one of the conditions is that they must have a five year lease. Their 25 year long lease is up in July of 2012. The grant application is due on September 16. Bearing in mind the time sensitivity of this issue, Council will instruct staff to have all particulars on the repair project and lease renewal ready for the next meeting.

Council received a letter from FortisBC welcoming input from them in regards to the Advanced Metering Infrastructure for electricity customers.

It was noted that Fortis had been in Princeton recently and had held an open house information session. This session was held the same night as a Pool information session and received very poor attendance. Councillor Earle commented saying, “should there be people wanting information that Fortis would most likely come back.” Council will encourage Fortis to do so.