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Yodels heard while on trek at Lightning Lake

Vermilion Forks Field Naturalists trekked around Lightning Lake in Manning Park on August 24.
Members of the Vermilion Forks Field Naturalists take a photo break during the trek around Lightning Lake.

The hills were alive (at times) with the sound of Rika’s yodeling and ensuing echoes as a group of eight Vermilion Forks Field Naturalists trekked around Lightning Lake in Manning Park on August 24. We also enjoyed the recurring calls of loons, the tiny toots of red-breasted nuthatches, and the bold antics of gray jays who literally stole food from our hands! We spotted a diving female goldeneye and a placid Franklin’s grouse along the way, as we inhaled the sweet fragrance of pines and delighted in the exquisite views around every turn in the trail. Good weather was a bonus, and we enjoyed a leisurely lunch and good conversation before heading for home.

Our next field trip will be led by Rika Ruebsaat on Sept. 7, and will be a strenuous hike up to the beautiful alpine landscape of Jim Kelly Peak. Confirm with Rika at 250-295-4006 and meet at Billy’s at 8:00. Our next meeting will take place Sept. 10, 7 p.m., at Riverside Centre, when Zoe Kirk will speak on bear awareness, specific to our area. Please join us for our first meeting of the season!