2012 has been a busy working year for the members of the Senior Citizen’s Branch #30.
Problems with the roof resulted in a new lower half being installed. Funding for this was with thanks to grant funding from “New Horizons for Seniors Program” (NHSP)
NHSP is a federal grant funding program that supports projects that are lead by seniors who want to make a difference in the lives of others in their communities.
Members joined forces this year to build a much needed storage shed on the grounds. Grant funding from the Town of Princeton enabled the Seniors to purchase some new appliances for the kitchen.
“We’ve done a lot of repair work this year,” said 2012 president Willi Drees. “We have more planned for the next year as well,” added past president Keith Parsons.
Newly elected president for 2013, Anita Drees organized a dinner/silent auction fundraiser to assist the local organization, Save Our Similkameen in their efforts to reinstate 24/7 services to the Princeton General Hospital emergency room.
Past and current executive remain a close group who continually work well together.
On the agenda for this year, the Seniors are hopeful to acquire a six burner stove, put cement slabs under the pool tables, upgrade the outdoor planters, place barricades in the parking lot to prevent damage to lot from large trucks and are hoping to get new lounge furniture.
Senior Citizen’s Branch #30 is open from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday to Friday and from 1 to 4 p.m., on Saturday and Sunday.
It is a great atmosphere to meet with friends and or to participate in the various activities held each day.
Seniors Branch #30 hosts exercise classes, craft and quilting classes and of course, is a great place to play pool. Pool tournaments are held once a month, and Whist and Crib tournaments are held the first Saturday of each month.
Monday nights host Bingo and a 5:30 p.m., potluck dinner is held once per month as well.
Numerous special events are held at the Seniors throughout the year.
Beginning with the annual pot luck luncheon on January 1 (at 11:30 a.m.) holidays such as Valentines Day, St. Patrick’s Day, Easter, Mother’s Day and so on—the Senior’s have an event for each one.
On December 9, the Christmas dinner quilt and basket raffle draws were held. First prize of the quilt went to Betty Sanderson of Tulameen and the second prize (tote bag) was won by Chris Bennett of Nanaimo, B.C.
The Senior Citizen’s Branch #30 welcomes mature adults (not necessarily of senior age) to 99 plus years. Membership is $15 a year and entitles you to an excellent socializing opportunity as well as a place to keep fit and have plenty of fun.
Stop in at 162 Angela Ave., behind Cooper’s Foods or call 250-295-7515 for more information.