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Science madness has its rewards

Hayden Zieske

After a battle of epic proportions, the Grade 7 classes at Vermilion Forks School tallied their final scores and announced this year’s science tournament winners.  The two Grade 7 classes joined together for an intense learning game that kept the numerous science teams bouncing around the scoreboard each week while they studied the Earth’s crust.

Teachers Shar Anderson and Georgina Tarswell were excited to get the students involved in a different approach to learning.  Anderson who headed the tournament was extremely pleased with the results and rewarded the winning team with slushies for their efforts.

“The kids really embraced the game,” stated Anderson.  “Anytime you can combine learning with socializing and fun, the students become really engaged in the process. Their competitive spirits shone through and they all did a great job of supporting their teammates to learn the material and give the tournament their best efforts.”