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Automated honey extraction system to help B.C.’s beekeeping industry

Automated honey extraction system to help B.C.’s beekeeping industry

The B.C. agri-tech project will receive $170,320 in funding to build prototype
PHOTOS: Province releases never-before-seen photos of 1965 slide in Hope

PHOTOS: Province releases never-before-seen photos of 1965 slide in Hope

It created a swath of destruction two miles long and killed four people
VIDEO: Eagle feather from B.C. flew to space with Canadian astronaut

VIDEO: Eagle feather from B.C. flew to space with Canadian astronaut

Inspirational feather will go on display with mission patch at Sto:lo offices in Chilliwack
Trudeau sets 2025 deadline to remove B.C. fish farms

Trudeau sets 2025 deadline to remove B.C. fish farms

Foes heartened by plan to transition aquaculture found in Fisheries minister mandate letter
First Nations want Big Bar landslide cleared ASAP to allow fish passage

First Nations want Big Bar landslide cleared ASAP to allow fish passage

Leadership calling for urgent action and resources to remove obstruction on the Fraser
Threats to the Fraser River at ‘new zenith,’ says river conservationist

Threats to the Fraser River at ‘new zenith,’ says river conservationist

The ‘Heart of the Fraser’ should be deemed ecologically significant according to ORC statement
Disastrous sportfishing season on the Fraser River a ‘wakeup call’

Disastrous sportfishing season on the Fraser River a ‘wakeup call’

Big Bar slide curtailed Fraser fishing opportunities for 2019, affecting the economy
Community uses loophole to paint 16 rainbow crosswalks after B.C. council says no

Community uses loophole to paint 16 rainbow crosswalks after B.C. council says no

So far 11 rainbows are painted and five planned, all since council denied the first proposal in September
Abortion goodie bags handed out at Chilliwack harvest festival

Abortion goodie bags handed out at Chilliwack harvest festival

Organizers of the Rosedale Harvest Festival acknowledge the toy fetuses may have caused ‘unease’
New way to report possible fishing violations to DFO

New way to report possible fishing violations to DFO

DFO Pacific’s Conservation and Protection branch has a new email to receive report and photos