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Bridge Street has become a game of Russian roulette

I am putting aside my urge to talk politics this week and make a plea to all the drivers in town. Please slow down and pay attention when you are driving through town.

Is trashing democracy ok?

Writer does not want vote for same
Clash of visions in political spring

Clash of visions in political spring

Who wants it - what a shame!

Who wants a Federal election? That guy “who” sure has a lot of influence—because most Canadians don’t want one.

Consumers—take your power and make your point

The stupidest country?

My brother was getting his hair cut recently and he asked his hair dresser if she voted. Her answer, “I can’t be bothered with that b.s..” My response - “Can’t be bothered having medical? Can’t be bothered ...

A few thoughts on our RCMP

If I were an police officer I would not “bet my life” on the feedback from the long gun registry at anytime. If it cannot be trusted to be accurate how can it be of value?

Children’s Festival still in need

Children's Festival needs some help

Self serving man

Stephen Harper’s current contention that only the party with the most parliamentary seats can legitimately govern is wrong.

I’m predicting a low turnout

Reader views bilingualism as a reason for Canadian's desire for separation.