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Who’s at fault?

Writer asks a question in regards to the fault at accidents involving cyclists and motorists

As I walked home on Thursday, September 13, 2012, at 3:20 p.m., at the end of the Wooden Bridge at the North end, two boys came riding down the wrong side of the road form the direction of the school and ran the stop sign. The leader almost got run into by a car. They had to lock up to avoid an accident. It’s too bad the parents do not teach their children the rules of the road. I understand that cyclists have abide by the signs of the road, the same as the motorists.

If the motorists hits a bike rider, when they do not abide by the signs, whose fault is it? The vehicle drivers are supposed to watch out for kids yes, but if they go through stop signs or ride all over the road, I would like to know who’s fault it is if they get hit, killed or seriously injured?

Here is another episode, people coming out of stores, and a kid on a bike hits a person, who is responsible? There are signs on the sidewalks No Bikes, but I see they cannot read. I also believe that bikes are supposed to ride with the flow of traffic. You see all the time that they go against the traffic.

The parents with kids that have bikes should teach their kids the Do’s & Don’ts of riding a bicycle

I am sure you would feel real bad if your boy or girl got killed or seriously injured.

M. Crawford, Princeton, BC