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Who wants it - what a shame!

Who wants a Federal election? That guy “who” sure has a lot of influence—because most Canadians don’t want one.

Who wants a Federal election?

That guy “who” sure has a lot of influence—because most Canadians don’t want one. Canada has done real well compared to most, coming through this world wide recession/depression, even with Mr. Harper as Prime Minister [and his seemingly diminishing  country of Canada as a renowned peace keeping nation, to that as a pawn of the U.S.A. Industrial-military complex], but with the Opposition Party’s guidance.  These repeat elections cost millions with much the same result. Imagine the happiness your sweetie would have if she could haul some of those millions in loonies in her grocery buggy to the Super market to buy wieners and tomatoes. Of course, she’d have to walk because gas is too costly to drive. Yes, we can see Seniors and Patients walking or skateboarding to their medical appointments in Penticton and Kelowna. Sure, they’d have to leave a month early.

Fortunately, there is a mute button on the T.V. remote and with a press,  it gives you a undescribeable joy as you leave the politician you dislike flapping in his wind, as he brings you to tears with his concern for you.

They may work like a horse for you but remember the horse has two functional ends. One end uses it’s

“remarkable horse sense”, the other end unfortunately, politicians most often use to do a number on the electorate—just like this unnecessary, costly election. The four Party leaders are educated, bilingual and supposed problem solving Canadians.  They could have taken turns at being Prime Minister.  They should be ashamed of themselves. They need Grandma to take each one of the leaders behind the woodshed and be given a good earful!