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Too diplomatic

Ed Staples and Nienke Klaver had it right, Spotlight Sept.7/11, only they were much too diplomatic to spell it out.

Dear Editor:


Ed Staples and Nienke Klaver had it right, Spotlight Sept.7/11, only they were much too diplomatic to spell it out.  The stage, it would seem, was set at the last municipal election.   Business oriented representatives will make sure that low income folks who have no use for a swimming pool, will buy the movers and shakers a new Aquatic Centre.


Our Provincial Government in the last ten years has been particularly hard on lower income folks. To have our own area representatives ignore these people’s plight by saddling them with unwanted and unneeded tax increases is disgusting, although attempts are to be expected.


Allow me to echo the above mentioned letter writers.  The people who want and will use an aquatic centre should pay for it; and occasional users should pay admission.  That way the Aquatic Centre will remain modest, cost effective and within a small communities needs.


Vote NO on the referendum.


Sincerely,  HPToews