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RE: Tim Hall’s letter

I refer to Tim Hall’s letter which appeared in your last edition of the paper and I thank him for his eloquence and comments. As a citizen of this community which includes Princeton Town and Princeton Rural (Area H), I have been proud to serve on the Aquatic Centre Committee. My colleagues and I were mandated to search out and pass on to the Citizens of both communities as much information as possible to ensure that the results of the upcoming referendum would be based on a sound knowledge base.

Dear Editor;

I refer to Tim Hall’s letter which appeared in  your last edition of the paper and I thank him for his eloquence and comments. As a citizen of this community which includes Princeton Town and Princeton Rural (Area H), I have been proud to serve on the Aquatic Centre Committee. My colleagues and I were mandated to search out and pass on to the Citizens of both communities as much information as possible to ensure that the results of the upcoming referendum would be based on a sound knowledge base.

There were some restrictions however, some were imposed upon us by the rules of the referendum, i.e. Only the worst case scenario as relates to taxes could be presented. Others, more subtle. Were imposed by political action or inaction.

Nevertheless, I have been disappointed by some members of both the Town and Rural who have attacked the democratic process by innuendos and distortions of facts and I trust that the wisdom of those voting will do so based on the true facts and their own convictions.

People chose to live in a community and have done so  since the dawn of history because its benefits far outweigh its drawbacks in providing a quality of life. But all communities are made up of individuals of different minds and ideas. This mosaic is what creates a thriving and exiting community. We, as Canadians, have chosen to recognize these divergent ideas by establishing a democratic process whereby all are heard and  the majority decides. This is not the perfect solution but it is proven the best so far.

However, the rhetoric of innuendoes and attacks which I have read in the newspapers these last weeks have almost convinced me that ,in both our communities, there are some CAVE people (Citizens Against Virtually Everything) who will go to any length to sabotage our cherished democratic process and progress in our community. They voted against the library,  were vocal against the Town Square and very vocal against the Bridge of Dreams. And, because of our democratic process, they will continue to be so, but anonymously and behind the scenes.

Citizens of both the Town and Area H. My colleagues, I do urge you to make your decision on facts and your own convictions and tell us what you want by exercising your right to vote.



John Akerley

Aquatic Centre Committee Member and resident of Area H.