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A heartfelt thank you

The Allison–Borgeson Lake Rate Payers would like to offer our most heartfelt thanks to everyone involved with the work done at Allison Lake.

Dear Editor;

The Allison–Borgeson Lake Rate Payers would like to offer our most heartfelt thanks to everyone involved with the work done at Allison Lake.

Recreation Officer Ed Abels from Natural Resource Operations and independent recreation sites and trails contractor Kelley Cook did the planning and organized the Suppression Crew from the B.C. Forestry Ministry who did the actual back breaking work.

The public now have a bridge at the parking lot at the Provincial Park to cross Allison Creek. A much upgraded trail then continues to the new Regional District Park at the north end of Allison Lake. Along the trail, there are view points and rest benches for public use.

Last, but not least, we must vigorously thank our Area H representative, Brad Hope who has worked tirelessly to bring this project into being a reality.


Len Lemieux

Princeton B.C.