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A few thoughts on our RCMP

If I were an police officer I would not “bet my life” on the feedback from the long gun registry at anytime. If it cannot be trusted to be accurate how can it be of value?

Dear Editor;

If I were an police officer I would not “bet my life” on the feedback  from the long gun registry at anytime.  If it cannot be trusted to be  accurate how can it be of value?

Granted the RCMP may need more and better training on hand to hand combat but for sure they need more backing from the Justice system. If they charge someone for assaulting them while they are trying to make an arrest, the penalty is not enough to deter people from doing it. The Justice system has to make “it hurt” by imposing strong sentences for those who refuse to comply with the  orders given and fight the Officers. We cannot expect good strong policing forever if we don’t “back up” our front line. Do not send them out into a difficult career, tie their hands, and expect perfect results.

The answer lies in the fact we must make it “cost” the law breakers more than they are willing to  pay for crimes before we see a change. That means a stiffer penalty that will be enforced by the Judges, not bargained away. Yes recent events have been, to say the least, embarrassing to the many fine Officers across our land. Okay, so they never have said they are perfect, let’s make sure they have what they need to “fix it”. Constructive criticism is okay but continuing with the cheap shots because it’s popular, is too destructive and it will affect us all.

I know I really like hearing someone tell me thank you from time to time, so we should make sure to let it be known they are very much appreciated for the “good job” most of them are trying to do. It will help.

Chris Gilmore

Logan Lake, BC