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Princeton Deer Survey questions explained June 13

On June 13, 2013, Councillor Earle will be at the Seniors Centre at 7:30 p.m., to explain survey questions.

During the regular meeting of Council on June 3, Councillor Jason Earle announced that the Princeton Deer Survey would be mailed out this week and will be available on the town website,

Interested residents with balanced views on the subject of deer in Princeton recommended and prepared a survey to determine the extent of the problem with deer in and surrounding the community.

Information regarding the respondents’ gender, age and length of time in the Town as well as the area they reside in will be collected and are very helpful in tabulating the results. Names addresses and other personal information will not be collected.

On June 13, 2013, Councillor Earle will be at the Seniors Centre at 7:30 p.m., to explain survey questions.

The deadline for the survey is Monday, June 24. During business hours, please drop your completed survey off at the Town Hall - 169 Bridge Street.

After the deadline, The Deer Committee will tabulate survey results and then findings will be presented to Council.

If you need further information please call the Town Hall at 250-295-3135.