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Princeton Council adopt snow removal policy

Council Briefs for November; snow removal, Masonic Lodge lease agreement and the Christmas Light Up.

The snow removal policies for Princeton have been reviewed and updated. On Nov. 19, Council adopted Snow Removal Policy 010-2012.

There are three changes to the snow removal processes; If town receives an accumulation of 150 millimeters (six inches) of snow overnight, the snow blower will be used beginning at 5 a.m. , on Bridge Street and Vermilion Avenue, between Nov. 1 and March 31, Bridge Street and Vermilion Avenue will be posted as “No Parking” between 11 p.m., and 8 a.m., so as to not interfere with snow removal —violators vehicles will be removed at the owners expense and residents are asked that when clearing your sidewalk or driveway pile the snow on the left side of the driveway (oriented if you are facing your property). Residents are instructed not to place snow onto the municipal road.

Violations of the snow removal policy may result in fines. The full policy is available at Town Hall or visit the town website at under “What’s New” to view the policy.

Lease Agreement

The Similkameen Mason Association has leased the building located at 187 Vermilion Ave., from the Town of Princeton since 2002.

The lease agreement has been updated to current standards and was presented to Council.

Councillor Jason Earle asked if there was any other interest in or requests for use of the building and Councillor Marilyn Harkness asked if there were costs to the town for upkeep or renovations.

Deputy Treasurer, Shirley McMahon explained that “there were no other requests for use of the building,” and that the Mason Association, “did all renovations and upkeep at their own expense.”

Council agreed to enter into a lease with the Similkameen Mason Association for the exclusive use of the Masonic Hall located at 187 Vermilion Avenue. This is a standard lease agreement for  five years with the option to renew for a further two five year terms —tenant remaining responsible for all other costs.

Christmas Store and Light Up

The Princeton and District Chamber of Commerce asked that Council waive the Business License Fee in order to assist them in their quest to promote home based businesses and crafters while promoting shopping locally. The building will be in use for the Christmas season only. Council waived the $300 license fee for the Chamber Christmas Store located at 219 Vermilion Ave.

Council also agreed to support the Christmas Light Up and Santa’s Visit on Dec. 1 from 4 until 7 p.m.

Town will cover the insurance, provide barricades, the Town tent, snow fencing, power, extension cords, lighting and decorations, sound system and granted permission for use of burn barrels.

Mayor Armitage will give the community welcome and signal for light up to begin.