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No waffling launch of physician-based website for Vernon hospital

Vernon doctor behind Physician Waffle House, a site for local medics that will be introduced to VJH staff, politicians, media, and invited guests Jan. 30 at the hospital cafeteria - complete with waffles and live music
Physician Waffle House is a website for local doctors, started by a Vernon Jubilee Hospital physician, that will launch Jan. 30.

If you're promoting an event with waffle in the name, it only makes sense to hold it in a cafeteria.

And, of course, offer up the breakfast delight.

Physician Waffle House, an online community by and for physicians, is hosting a live launch Thursday, Jan. 30, from 1:30-4 p.m. in the Vernon Jubilee Hospital cafeteria. Waffles will be served, and urologist Tom Kinahan and his band Bourbon Sprawl will be performing.

The kick-off is being used as an appreciation event for all hospital employees, and a chance for local politicians, media and invited guests to find out about some exciting initiatives coming out of VJH.

The formal portion of the program runs from 1:45 to 2:05 p.m. and includes a physician flash mob, official Waffle House launch and a trailer for Docs of Vernon, a 30-episode interview and podcast series to help the public navigate the health care system and get better acquainted with the physicians who are providing treatment.

Physician Waffle House is the brainchild of family doctor Kira McClellan. 

McClellan, who serves on the executive and working group of VJH Physician Society, wanted to find an innovative way of addressing the unprecedented levels of physician burnout and attrition from active practice. 

"Studies show peer support aids in providing psychological safety and reducing burnout," said McClellan. “It is a flexible and informal form of connection that enables physicians to debrief, feel validated and address compassion fatigue."

The site is designed to be a fun place for physicians to think, plan and connect. 

Forums and group chats allow physicians to engage in professional dialogue, share best practices and quality improvements as well as organize impromptu social time with colleagues and their families. 

In addition, the site enables physicians to hone their leadership skills, discover learning opportunities, and search and post jobs.

Portions of Physician Waffle House are accessible to the public at

Roger Knox

About the Author: Roger Knox

I am a journalist with more than 30 years of experience in the industry. I started my career in radio and have spent the last 21 years working with Black Press Media.
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