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Council briefs ~ May 21

Council briefs from the regular meeting of Council on May 21
The Zig Zag project which has been on hold due to issues with the architect and contractors has been a “big source of embarrassment

On behalf of Council, Mayor Frank Armitage officially welcomed Kevin Huey, the new Manager of Public Works for the Town of Princeton, by saying, “welcome home.” Born and raised in Princeton, Huey began his new position last week after a 23 year hiatus from the community.

Motioned by Councillor Maynard and seconded by Councillor Pateman, Council received for information a Summary of Recommended Actions contained within an Administrative Review of the Princeton Volunteer Fire Department.

Fire Chief Eric Gregson and Deputy Fire Chief Rob Banks present during Council received  commendations from Mayor and Council. “This report speaks very well of you,” said Mayor Armitage, “please take back to your crew—our appreciation for the top drawer efforts of your department.”

With a motion made by Councillor Maynard and seconded by Councillor Pateman, Council agreed to purchase a User Group Insurance Policy from SBC Insurance Agencies Ltd., to provide ‘blanket coverage on pre-determined activities for groups who register with the Town and do not have access to liability insurance from other sources.’

The cost to the Town will be $2000. Groups will need to register with the Recreation Department and may be charged a small fee in order to help recoup the Towns premium. Both Councillors Maynard and Pateman noted this was a good idea and would make things easier for the groups. Mayor Armitage added, “It makes good sense, we don’t want insurance issues to preclude events in our community—it is money well spent.”