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$1.1M provided to South Okanagan Similkameen charities

Community Foundation South Okanagan Similkameen distributed funds in 2023
The Community Foundation South Okanagan Similkameen provided funding to more than 100 charities in 2023. (Community Foundation South Okanagan Similkameen image)

Organizations across the South Okanagan and Similkameen received more than $1.1 million from the Community Foundation of South Okanagan Similkameen.

The foundation’s annual report, released on May 30, 319 grants were made to more than 100 charities in the region in 2023. In addition, the foundation awarded $124,775 in neighbourhood small grants and $49,690 in bursaries.

Of the grants to charities given in 2023, 25 per cent were for social services, 15 per cent were for children and youth, 14 per cent for arts and culture and 13 per cent for health.

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The neighbourhood small grants included funding to hold a neighbourhood pancake breakfast in Summerland to welcome a Ukrainian family, a youth-inspired revamp of a skate park in Princeton and a dark sky movie night in Naramata.

The community received $7 million in donations, and 382 people donated to the foundation in 2023.

Two large donations were given to the community foundation in 2023. These were a $1 million donation from the Summerland Credit Union and a $4 million donation from John Pankiw, one of the foundation’s founding donors.

“Every contribution - of time, donations, skills, and ideas - has helped to make a difference,” a statement from the community foundation read. “Thank you for being a vital part of our community.”

During the foundation’s 30-year history, $9.7 million has been granted.

The community foundation is also addressing areas of need within the region. In late 2023, the Vital Signs community survey results were completed, showing conditions within the region.

The foundation is now participating in 100 More Homes Penticton. It is also involved with funding for the Apple Plaza Walk-in Clinic in Penticton.

Discussions have been happening about food security in the region, with further meetings planned for this year.

John Arendt

About the Author: John Arendt

I have worked as a newspaper journalist since 1989 and have been at the Summerland Review since 1994.
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