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B.C. foundation aiming to change lives has Beyonce's father on board

Change Space Foundation, which has reach in Victoria, aims to use Hollywood connections to empower non-profits
Mathew Knowles, the father of Beyonce, is board chair of a new Vancouver-based foundation that raises funds for mental health and addiction organizations.

Personal, meaningful reasons fuelled Change Space Foundation board members, mostly volunteers, to become involved in the new Vancouver-based organization that aims to tackle some of society’s most significant problems. 

For Victoria's Joseph Bell, a director on the board, the suicides of both his brother and his best friend were the drivers. "That's my impetus," he said, in an emotional conversation with Victoria News. 

Then, there's Mathew Knowles – father of superstar Beyonce and founder of Music World Entertainment – who is board chair. 

Knowles met Change Space Foundation founder and Vancouver resident Michelle Falcone at an event seven years ago, Bell relayed. Both were in the realm of motivational careers – Falcone worked in coaching and therapy; Knowles was, among his many roles, a philanthropist and involved in advocacy for breast cancer after he developed it himself and beat it.

That experience "transformed" Knowles and was the impetus for him to want to get involved with Falcone's new big idea, Bell said. 

Change Space Foundation aims to tackle North American community problems – mainly poverty, addiction and mental health – by getting organizations the connections and funding needed to put their ideas to work. 

Its connection to star power gives the organization an edge in making a difference. 

"We're in this unique position of having the star power and the reach that we want to leverage to really help, because [these issues are] impacting all of us," Bell said. 

Falcone, who Bell described as an "incredible, amazing woman", is a certified integrative life coach who has worked with various artists in the music industry. 

Bell works in the film industry for publicist Micheal Levines Boundless Media, which, among its claims to fame, has represented 58 Academy Award winners. Through Bell's connections, he's been able to approach stars like Ryan Reynolds and Chad Kreuger from Nickleback to talk to them about the work that Change Space Foundation does. 

As Bell puts it, "Relationships make the whole world go round." With Change Space creating connections and fundraising, nonprofits have more time to do their meaningful work. 

The first-ever event put on by Change Space is set for Jan. 23 on Zoom, titled Lean On Me: The Effects of Loneliness and Isolation on Mental Health Forum. It will bring together a panel of experts and advocates for a discussion on loneliness, isolation and mental health, while introducing people to Falcone, Knowles and the board, Bell said. The free event runs from 2-3 p.m. PST. 

There may also be some special surprises, Bell said. "I can't go into anything until the people have confirmed, but there are some other celebrities that we expect will be there." 

This is just a taste of what’s to come. The big event is on April 12 at the Pipe Shop, North Vancouver: the 1st annual star-studded fundraising Empower Change Together Gala/Silent Auction for Mental Health.  

At the gala, the inaugural Change Space Humanitarian Award will be presented to distinguished honorees: Dr. Mathew Knowles; platinum-selling artist Bif Naked; Dr. Benoit-Antoine Bacon, president of UBC; and Guy Felicella, mental health and recovery advocate. 

But what the event is really about is fundraising for a collaborative project between Vancouver's Empower Health and Together We Can, for clients in need of mental health and addiction support. 

While the first gala focuses on Vancouver, Bell said it will support organizations in Victoria and throughout Canada with potential expansion into the U.S.  – because the problems are universal. 

The fentanyl crisis, for instance, is far-reaching, Bell said. "There's no way that you don't know someone that knows someone that's affected. And if we don't come together as a society, there's just no way we're going to impact it." 

It's an issue that the U.S. is struggling with, too, and caught Knowles's attention when visiting Vancouver, Bell relayed. “I think his heart was really open and he really wanted to make a difference.” 

Addiction, the economy, homelessness and mental health are all intertwined, and Change Space is tackling the issues one phone call at a time. The volunteer board is currently putting in overtime making connections and gearing up so that the 2025 gala can be a success. Their work is creating a bridge between the public and businesses who want to help the organizations that need it. 

"We're doing this on top of what we do and giving it 110 per cent," Bell said. "This is an opportunity for us to do something that's really impactful that might be more difficult for other organizations to do."

Lean on Me is a free Zoom event on Jan. 23. Learn more on Empower Change Together Gala is on April 12. Tickets are available on More info can be found at and

Sam Duerksen

About the Author: Sam Duerksen

Since moving to Victoria from Winnipeg in 2020, I’ve worked in communications for non-profits and arts organizations.
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